The birth of Miracle Valley Ranch began in June 2008 as a result of a meeting at Triple “S” Christian Ranch.
During the preaching of Brother Steve Curington, the founder of Reformers Unanimous Addictions Program, the seed was planted on how to combat the ever-growing addiction epidemic that has swept our country and our community.
In early 2010...
White River Baptist began our first Biblical-based, Christ-centered recovery program for addicts. Classes are still held every Friday night, where a systematic approach that includes several steps of advancement are used to teach Biblical principles to overcome strongholds in our lives.
Soon it was apparent that some students needed more than a Friday night class to gain victory over their addictions. The Church realized if we were going to make a strong impact in the lives of many, we were going to need a live-in facility to give a place of refuge and accountability to those that desired help.
After six months of prayer and fastings, in 2013, White River Baptist voted to begin Miracle Valley Ranch. In July of 2014 we finished our first home to help families with addictions.
In July of 2014 we finished our first home to help families with addictions.
We have since that time endeavored to share the wonderful truths of the Word of God that can break the bondage that so many have struggled with.It is our great desire to help families to overcome their addictions and heal together!
And whatsoever ye do, do, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Colossians 3:23
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