
Kenny and Dana Hicks

Kenny and Dana Hicks

I’m Kenny Hicks, and my wife is Dana. I am the pastor at White River Baptist Church, and this is my testimony.


As a result of a home Bible study given by Pastor Rick Nesmith, and under much conviction of the Holy Spirit, I was born again on January 27, 1992. After several years of faithfully serving our Lord at Liberty Baptist Church, God convicted me to the full-time ministry of preaching the Gospel. After graduating from Liberty Baptist Institute in 1999, God used me and my wife to minister in Mexico, as well as in Wichita Kansas before calling me to pastor White River Baptist Church in 2004.

Since that time, it has been my wonderful privilege to serve this Body of Christ, as well as to minister to our mountain community.

It is my great desire to be a help to those struggling with addictions, helping them to gain the peace in their life that they so desire! And, to help and strengthen their families to the glory of God!

There is still hope of recovery for all those that are willing to submit themselves to our loving Savior!

To open their eyes, and turn them from darkness to light, and the from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Acts 26:18


Jason and Taylor Tanner

Brother Jason Tanner trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior in 1995, at the age of fifteen. Soon thereafter, he fell into a life of sin and addiction. As a saved man, he always knew the Lord had a calling on his life. Sadly enough, he didn’t yield to that calling for years, which led to many hardships and chastening from the Lord. 

Brother Jason and his wife, Taylor, came to Miracle Valley Ranch with a willingness to do whatever it took to break the bonds of addiction in their lives, and to restore their family.  Over the next eight months, the Lord did a miraculous work in their lives. In December of 2017, after much prayer, Brother Jason answered the Lord’s calling and became the Ministry Director of Miracle Valley Ranch. 

Taylor Tanner was born into a broken home. At the age of eleven, she slowly started falling into her addiction. This led to a deep, dark bondage for over 20 years. On November 12, 2013, she accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. She, along with her family, graduated from Miracle Valley in 2017.

Since then, she has fully surrendered herself to God’s will for her life and is faithfully serving in the addiction ministry at Miracle Valley Ranch. She has a burden to help those who are struggling with addiction and enjoys the ministry God has called her to. She feels very blessed to see the many miracles and lives that are being changed through God’s saving grace. 

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

1 Peter 2:9


Here at Miracle Valley Ranch, we have several volunteers that come from our church. As with any ministry, the people coming into the program have many needs, giving these volunteers the opportunity to help meet those needs. They go above and beyond to assist as necessary, including Bible studies, one-on-one time, and many other needed things. This makes them a real asset to this ministry.  We have a saying around here: Many hands make for light work. Our volunteers help spread the load; God knows that we need them. 

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