
The Blog



Here at Miracle Valley, our staff and volunteers love the opportunity they have to be able to go out into the public and hold fundraisers. It is perfect for offering our items to the community, as well as sharing the Gospel with them. But none of these things move me, neither count I my

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Fundraising with t-shirts

Where We Are Now

At Miracle Valley, we are excited to let people know what we are currently involved in. As a small country church, seated in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, we have a great desire to help those in addiction. We believe this ministry will help us to not only help those in addiction, but

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Josh and Bailey Webb Testimony

Our names are Josh and Bailey Webb, and we are excited to share our testimony of what God has done for us.  We first met in 2014, when we were both actively using drugs and alcohol. We started a relationship that was very unstable and didn’t involve God at all. By 2018, we had

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The Tanner family

Jason and Taylor Tanner Testimony

In March of 2017, we came to Miracle Valley Ranch seeking the Lord’s will for our lives. We spent many years in a very deep and dark addiction. We destroyed everything and everybody in our paths, including our own family. In and out of prison and every rehab that would take us, most people

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typing at computer

Building a Website

God can use anyone – and I mean, ANYONE! Taylor and I (Pam) have been given the task of getting a website built to kick off this ministry. I would be lying if I said, “Oh! No problem!”” LOL. It has been more like eating an elephant – a huge job, but you can

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