Josh and Bailey Webb Testimony

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Our names are Josh and Bailey Webb, and we are excited to share our testimony of what God has done for us. 

We first met in 2014, when we were both actively using drugs and alcohol. We started a relationship that was very unstable and didn’t involve God at all. By 2018, we had two children and were still living our miserable lifestyle, except now, adding kids to the mix. Life was chaotic and revolved around our getting our fixes and trying to pretend we had it all together. We started to desire a change, but had no idea what it would take to reach that point. One day, we were talking about how we both thought we were saved when we were children, but never really cried out to, or truly trusted Jesus Christ as our Savior. We, both, felt burdened, and decided to ask Him into our hearts. A burden was lifted that day, and we began going to church. But, we still struggled and were not fully willing to surrender our addictions to God.

By 2019, we had had our third child, and up to this point, our young children had lived in pure instability and heart-break. They watched their mommy and daddy completely fall apart numerous times. As for us, we were broken and empty inside. We desired so much more for our family, but felt stuck in our sick addictions. We were constantly bringing each other down and hurting the people around us. Nothing satisfied us – no type or certain amount of drug, no nicotine, no alcohol, not even each other or our children could fill the emptiness and complete brokenness inside. This same year, we decided to enter the live-in program for several months at Miracle Valley Ranch.

Ready to start a sober lifestyle, we moved our whole family from Missouri to Arkansas. God used this ministry to open our eyes to so many things. He purposefully put us in an environment where we had a chance to not only get out of the trap of our addictions, but also gave us godly friends and influences – people who were fervently praying for us and wanted to see us succeed. He made a way for us to put our past behind us, and to create a new future with Him in it. We received wise Biblical counsel. God provided a job for my husband, and allowed me to stay home with our children. And for the first time, I finally experienced being the mother He wanted me to be! He made healing a reality. 

We graduated the program and made the decision to move back to Missouri, even though we felt led to remain in Arkansas. After we moved back, it didn’t take long for us to begin using and drinking again, only this time, we were headed for divorce. We let the divorce papers sit a few months while we lived separate lives. Our lives got chaotic much more quickly this time, and we were on the verge of losing our kids. My husband and our kids lived with family, while I was at my worst in my meth addiction, which had spiraled quickly out of control. It left me broken on my mother’s doorstep in two -week old clothes, no shoes, and my dignity completely gone.

It was at this point that I knew God was telling me, “it is time, and this time, there is no turning back.” I had to be done with it. I had to surrender. I had to forget divorce and cry out for God’s, my husband’s, and my kids’ forgiveness, and to never touch another drug or drink of alcohol in my life again. This was when we quickly reached out to our family in Arkansas. They welcomed us back with open arms.

We now live permanently in Arkansas with our children, and a fourth one on the way. I have the privilege of home-schooling our children, and my husband is leading us more towards Jesus every day. We get to serve Him together, and our beautiful children get to live stable lives and be raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Our six year old son was recently saved, and our family now shares a bond that we’ve never known before. One thing we know for certain, we wouldn’t be here without God and without remaining surrendered to His perfect will for our lives. Every day there is hope, and now, we get to share that same hope that Jesus brings with others. We get to be a light instead of darkness. God is the only way.

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”
Psalm 34:8

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